Sunday, March 26, 2006


Hard to believe that Wesley & Victoria are already nine months old!!! Wes sits up now to watch tv and his favourite show is 'The Wiggles'. Victoria manages to roll across the house and gets into all sorts of mischief if we're not quick!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Wes looks handsome in red today. His hair is getting really wavy!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Show time!

Wes & Victoria had a great time today at the Kumeu Show. They got knitted finger puppets & handmade Winnie the Pooh cushions & a balloon. They had a great time looking at all the animals!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Matching colors

These are some of Wes & Victoria's new clothes. They both look great in bright colors. Victoria is embracing the new Eastern European trend with her Russian doll top... Today they went & played at Aunty Jolien's house so Mummy could catch up with the housework & have a good rest...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

New suits..

We had a nice weekend. We spent Saturday with Daddy while Mummy went out and we had friends over for lunch on Sunday. Today we are having a quiet day at home so Mummy can watch the Academy Awards. We are wearing one of the new suits Mummy bought us for Autumn, what do you think?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New clothes!!

Thanks to Aunty Tina the twins enjoyed modelling new clothes today!!!