Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well it's Monday & the twins are EIGHT MONTHS OLD today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hard to believe it's been so long, how time flies... Wesley & Victoria are both little chatter boxes now & can say 'daddy' 'goi goi' & Wes says 'up'... They are eating FOUR SOLID MEALS a day now PLUS 4-5 bottles of milk the gutses!!! I had fun shopping for some Autumn clothes for them on Saturday while Daddy babysat. If anyone doesn't know what to buy, Winter clothes in size 1 for Wes & size 0 for Victoria will always be appreciated:) I've already started collecting some size 1 Summer stuff for Victoria!! Boys clothes are always so boring compared to girls, keep an eye out for colorful, unusual stuff for Wes!!)... look forward to your comments.... keep checking in every few days for more twin antics!!!