Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Almost 16 months old!!!!

Hard to believe the twins are almost 16 mths old! They love running around now & don't stay still for long. Wes loves cars & duckies & Victoria loves Thomas the Tank Engine. They were sad when Nonna went back to Australia but will see her again at Christmas along with lots of other rel's & friends, which will be great!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

14 months old!

Hard to believe the twins are almost 14 months old! I have been very naughty & not updated in months. The twins had a great 1st birthday with lots of friends & tonnes of presents. We had a great week together in the Cook Islands in June. Victoria & Wesley are now both walking & like to race one another, they are very entertaining!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Things are very busy busy busy with the twins both crawling! They are recovering from their action packed Easter with their cousins and this weeks more cousins are arriving from Sydney! Victoria is a cheeky little monkey and never stops. Wes is more laid back but doesn't miss a trick. They are great sleepers which is a relief. They had their last meningitis shot last week so no more shots for another 5 months, phew!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Busy busy

We've been very busy. Wes has more new teeth & crawls now and chases Natasha around the house. Victoria rolls around the house as fast as Wes can crawl & likes to sit up and eat breadsticks now... The twins had their 9 month paediatric consult and are doing so well they only have to go back one more time in a year's time. They are both in the upper percentiles for height and are good weights. Not long now for Easter & their cousins' visit!!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Hard to believe that Wesley & Victoria are already nine months old!!! Wes sits up now to watch tv and his favourite show is 'The Wiggles'. Victoria manages to roll across the house and gets into all sorts of mischief if we're not quick!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Wes looks handsome in red today. His hair is getting really wavy!!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Show time!

Wes & Victoria had a great time today at the Kumeu Show. They got knitted finger puppets & handmade Winnie the Pooh cushions & a balloon. They had a great time looking at all the animals!